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Tin-Tức Thời-Sự Việt-Nam Ở Trong Và Ngoài Nước

Thông Cáo Báo Chí Của VDK Law Office

Văn phòng Luật sư Vũ Đức Khanh chúng tôi trân trọng kính chuyển đến quốc dân đồng bào Việt Nam trong và ngoài nước thư ngỏ của Luật sư Vũ Đức Khanh đề ngày 11 tháng 4 năm 2013 kính gửi ngài Tiến sĩ Daniel Baer, Phó Trợ Lý Ngoại Trưởng Hoa Kỳ phụ trách các vấn đề Dân chủ, Nhân quyền và Lao động, Trưởng đoàn Hoa Kỳ sang tham dự Hội nghị Đối thoại Nhân quyền Việt-Mỹ lần thứ 17, dự kiến sẽ khai mạc vào ngày mai 12 tháng 4 tại Hà Nội.

Trân trọng kính chuyển để tường và tùy nghi xử lý.

Kính báo.


Luật sư Vũ Đức Khanh
Khanh VU DUC, LL.L., LL.B., MPA
Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public
Integrity - Competence - Excellence
838 Somerset Street West, Suite 30, Ottawa Ontario K1R 6R7 Canada
Tel: (613) 867-2071 or (613) 238-8889 - Fax: (613) 238-8890
Email: vdklawyer@rogers.com

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----- Forwarded Message -----
From: VDK LAW OFFICE <vdklawyer@rogers.com>
To: "JJJJJXYZ@state.gov" 
Cc: "SSSSSXYZ@state.gov" 
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 2:07:10 PM
Subject: US-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue: Letter to Deputy Assistant Secretary Baer

Dear Mr. Jensen,

In light of Deputy Assistant Secretary Baer’s trip to Hanoi, Vietnam, on April 12, where he will meet with Vietnamese delegates and discuss the matter of human rights, I have written a letter to the deputy assistant secretary expressing my support.

In brief, the letter sets forth an urge for Vietnam to release any and all political prisoners as an act of good faith if their intent on human rights reform is true. Moreover, the Vietnamese people are growing tired of their leaders’ failures and demand not only leadership change but real political reform.

It is therefore my hope that you will be able to forward this letter to Dr. Baer. Please find below the letter in question.

I wish to thank you for your cooperation, and hope that you can assist us in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Khanh VU DUC, LL.L., LL.B., MPA
Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public
Integrity - Competence - Excellence
838 Somerset Street West, Suite 30, Ottawa Ontario K1R 6R7 Canada
Tel: (613) 867-2071 or (613) 238-8889 - Fax: (613) 238-8890
Email: vdklawyer@rogers.com

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To the kind attention of US Deputy Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Daniel Baer

Ottawa, April 11, 2013

Dear Deputy Assistant Secretary Baer,

I am writing this letter to express my hope and desire that the United States Government will be able to encourage Vietnam to undertake much needed human rights reform. It is time now that the persecution and detention of democratic and human rights activists in Vietnam must cease.

Among those activists who have suffered the ire of the Vietnamese government are well-known Father Nguyen Van Ly, a Catholic priest and prominent pro-democracy activist presently serving an eight-year jail term after serving seventeen years on and off since 1970; Dr. Cu Huy Ha Vu, a legal scholar, blogger, and dissident jailed for “propagandizing against the state”; and Le Quoc Quan, a lawyer and human rights activist also imprisoned for his beliefs.

These three, however, are simply a few among many others, a list that includes people such as Ta Phong Tan, Nguyen Tien Trung, Tran Anh Kim , and Nguyen Van Hai (pen name: Dieu Cay). It is my hope that, in addition to your efforts to persuade the Vietnamese government to enact necessary reforms, they will also release any and all political prisoners in their custody. After all, what better show of good faith is there for the Vietnamese government than the release of democratic and human rights activists?

The Vietnamese government has for too long stifled the people’s voice, denied them fundamental rights, and ignored the rule of law. However, it appears change is afoot. Petition 72, so named for the original number of signatories, aims to eliminate Article 4 of the Vietnamese Constitution, which sets out the Communist Party as the sole source of authority in the country.

Although the Petition is far from perfect, it is sign that the Vietnamese people are growing tired of not just their leaders but the manner in which their country is operated. They desire change but their government has refused to listen.

I believe this particular human rights dialogue between the US and Vietnam, and your presence, has come at a potential watershed moment in Vietnam’s history. Given the complexities of this dialogue, I hope that you, with the full weight of the American government, will be able to drive Vietnam to becoming a more open and free country.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I pray that this dialogue will be fruitful.

Yours sincerely,

Khanh VU DUC, LL.L., LL.B., MPA
Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public
Integrity - Competence - Excellence
838 Somerset Street West, Suite 30, Ottawa Ontario K1R 6R7 Canada
Tel: (613) 867-2071 or (613) 238-8889 - Fax: (613) 238-8890
Email: vdklawyer@rogers.com

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@ Trúc-Lâm Yên-Tử

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