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History Of Viet Nam

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Hồ-Sơ Chủ-Quyền Quốc-Gia Việt- Nam 

Hội Sử-Học Việt-Nam tại Âu-Châu

Human Rights Vietnam - Human Rights Activist

Lá Thư Úc-Châu

Lịch-Sử Việt-Nam Cận-Đại:  

Lịch-Sử Việt-Nam Ngàn Xưa:

Ngàn Năm Thăng Long (1010 - 2010)

Nghĩa-Trang Quân-Đội Biên-Hòa

Nguyên-Tử Của Việt-Nam Và Quốc- Tế

Người Dân Khiếu-Kiện:

Phụ-Nữ, Gia-Đình, Và Cuộc Sống:



Tiền-Tệ Việt-Nam:

Tin Nhắn, Tìm Thân-Nhân Mất-Tích, Mộ Tìm Thân-Nhân:

Tin-Tức Thời-Sự Việt-Nam:


Tư-Tưởng Phật-Giáo:

Tưởng-Niệm 50 Năm Anh-Hùng Ngô-Đình-Diệm, Anh-Hùng Ngô-Đình-Nhu Vị-Quốc Vong-Thân 1963-2013:

Tưởng-Niệm 50 Năm Hòa-Thượng Thích-Quảng-Đức Tự-Thiêu 1963-2013:

Trang Thơ Văn Mai-Hoài-Thu:

Trang Thơ Văn Minh-Vân:

Trang Thơ Văn Nguyễn-Chí-Thiện:

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Trang Nhật-Hồng Nguyễn-Thanh-Vân:

Trang Thơ Văn Phạm-Ngọc-Thái:

Trang Thơ Văn Phan-Văn-Phước:

Trang Thơ Văn Quê-Hương:

Trang Thơ Văn Thanh-Sơn:

Trang Thơ Văn ThụcQuyên:

Trang Thơ Văn Vĩnh-Nhất-Tâm:

Truyện Dài Thời Chiến-Tranh Việt-Nam (Ebooks):

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Văn-Hóa Tộc Việt:




Human Rights Vietnam - Human Rights Activist

February  6th, 2012

Your Holiness,
Dear President,
President of the International Criminal Court,
Mr. Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court,
Mr. Secretary General of the United Nations
Mr President of the European Parliament,
Mr President of the Council of Europe,
Mr. Secretary General, A. S.E.A.N,
Dear Prime Minister
Dear Minister,
Dear Senator,
Dear Member of Parliament,
Dear Ambassador,
Ladies and gentlemen of the international community,

SUBJECT: Request for Assistance

We, Vietnamese-Americans, strongly believe that you are the person who always cares for Human Rights in the world.

We also believe that you will not tolerate with any people, any government that use their excessive force to oppress civilians who demonstrate their rights in peaceful manners as well as any government that violates the Human Rights that were clearly stated by the United Nations.

We also believe that you will take necessary reactions within the Law to prevent all terrorist acts that kill innocent people when they demonstrate their civil rights peacefully or shove innocent people in jails just to rob the people’s property.

Nowadays, Vietnam Republic and Socialism government is performing all terrorist acts against the people: Killing and putting people in jails to occupy their property, torturing people with religions and destroying their church or temples, arresting all patriots whose only actions are yelling out the words: “This country is Ours, not China!”

There is something very inhuman that the Vietnam Communist is applying on the people. For instance, Ms. Minh Hang Thi Bui (Bui Thi Minh Hang, in Vietnamese language), after demonstrated peacefully on streets with a slogan on her neck, “Paracel and Spratly Island are belonged to Vietnam”, was put in the camp that is used to detain all long-time-history prostitutes.

Musician Viet Khang, who wrote a song to the police, asking them “Who are you? Why do you arrest us who only protest against China, the invader…” was taken away without any trial at all. Blogger Dieu Cay, who just wrote the similar things in his blog, was also taken somewhere that nobody knows for years.

Therefore, we send you the list of 154 patriots who received harsh punishments in Communist jails  just because they dared to demonstrate their rights, and 29 civilians are under strict probations at their homes after they were released from jails.

We sincerely hope that, with your love for Human Rights – Justice - Democracy, you will take some necessary actions to protect Vietnamese people and you will not remain insensitive to the misery of these innocent prisoners.

Yours faithfully,

A group of Vietnamese-Americans in America.

M. CHU TAT TIEN, USA (email: backydicu@gmail.com)

Attached please find the list of 154 patriots who received harsh punishments in Communist jails  as they dared to demonstrate their rights, and  of  29 civilians are under strict probations at their homes after they were released from jails. Also the Youtube address of the song “Who are you?” wrote and sung by the author :



@ Trúc-Lâm Yên-Tử

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